Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sunday Scribblings #5 - Hi my name is...

I didn't participate last week....just couldn't get my muse to show up for the "collector's" edition.

But I'm back. This week I present my first short story for Sunday Scribbings.

Same time, same place?

Every morning for the last two weeks we've been having coffee together, and I don't even know his name. As I watch him over the book I pretend to read, I wonder if he too is aware of our routine. It started innocently enough, I came into the coffee house for my morning jolt of caffeine, sat at my usual table, and cracked open my book. Sitting there enjoying the early autumn breeze, mixed with last sunrays of summer, I watched him walk in and order. "Large, black, two sugars please". His voice, strong, confident, brought my eyes away from Harry and Hermoine just long enough to notice the chiseled cheekbones, the bright blue eyes. Handsome. He sat at a table directly across from mine, dug out his newspaper, and sat back to read. Our eyes met for a second, and he smiled. I smiled back. Then went back to my book.

The next day, almost having forgotten our brief encounter, I heard it again. "Large, black, two sugars please." And there he was. Handsome. Again he sat across from me, again he smiled.

Almost two weeks later now, and we continue this charade. Pretending not to notice the other one noticing. I read, a different book now, he persuses the local news. I close my book, place it in my purse, and stand to leave. He folds his paper, nods at me, and walks out the door.

Each day, the smile lasts a little bit longer. Each time, we walk out the door a little bit closer in time. We do a dance, we toe the line.

"Large, black, two sugars please". I hear again. He sits, he smiles, I smile.

My coffee done, I close my book, look up. Folding his paper he stands. We reach the door together, he holds it open. I laugh. "Hi, my name is Destiny", extending my hand. He takes it. "Justice".

Copyright 2007 - Karina

View more Sunday Scribblings here.


lissa said...

Sounds like non-fiction. So what happens next?

Pretty good first short story for Sunday Scribblings.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I hope they have a long and happy life together!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to next part...

ANA said...

I'd be fun if the next line in the line of conversation is "will you have a cup of coffee with me sometime?"

Well carry on...I wanna know more....

Tumblewords: said...

These are good people and things will happen they couldn't have imagined at the first coffee, the second coffee and... I can't wait to see what happens next.